Airbus A320

Location of cargo compartments of the aircraft А320

Расположение грузовых отсеков ВС A320

The dimensions of the doors of cargo compartments of the aircraft A320 (width x height, in meters)

Front cargo hold 1.82 x 1.23
Tail compartment 1.82 x 1.23
Bulk compartment 0.81 x 0.95

Loading capacity and used volume of cargo compartments of aircraft А320

Aircraft type Compartment number Maximum floor load (kg / m 2 ) Maximum load (kg) The used volume (m 3 )
A320 1 600 3402 (1045/1225/1132) * 13.1
3 600 4536 (1301/1125) * 9.7
4 600 2110 (928/1182) * 8.4
5 600 1497 (374/353/770) * 5.9

Sizes of cargo compartments of aircraft А320

Передний грузовой отсекA-320-2.png

Навалочный грузовой отсек