Dangerous Goods Classification
Substances (including mixtures and solutions) and products belong to one of nine classes, depending on the type of hazard or the prevailing type of hazard with which they are characterized. Some of these classes are categorized. The following classes and categories are available:
Class 1 - Explosives.
Category 1.1 Substances and articles which are characterized by a mass explosion hazard.
Category 1.2 Substances and articles that are characterized by the danger of spreading, but do not pose a danger of explosion by mass.
Category 1.3 Substances and products that are liable to sunburn, as well as either a minor explosion hazard or a minor hazard of spreading. Either one or the other, but are not characterized by the danger of mass explosion.
Category 1.4 Substances and products that do not pose a significant hazard.
Category 1.5 Substances of very low sensitivity, which are characterized by a mass explosion hazard.
Category 1.6 Products of extremely low sensitivity which are not characterized by a mass explosion hazard.
Only Category 1.4 S (RXS) is accepted for transport on the A319 / 320/321.
Example. Cartridges for guns and pistols, some fireworks, safe fuses.

Explosive - Label
Class 2 - Gases.
Class 2 substances are assigned one of three categories, taking into account the main danger of gas during transport.
Category 2.1 - Flammable gases - RFG.
Example. Lighters.
Category 2.2 - Non-flammable, non-toxic gases - RNG, RCL.
Example. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, fire extinguishers, aerosols.
Important. Carriage of toxic gases on U6 flights is prohibited!

RFG Flammable Gas

Non-flammable non-toxic gas

RPG Toxic Gas
Class 3 - Flammable liquids.
Class 3 RFL includes the following substances:
- flammable liquids;
- liquid desensitized explosives.
Example. Paints, glues, varnishes, solvents, alcohols, gasoline.

RFL Sign - Flammable Liquids
Class 4 - Flammable solids, substances subject to spontaneous combustion, substances emitting flammable gases in contact with water.
Category 4.1 - Flammable solids - RFS.
Example. Sulfur.
Category 4.2 - Substances liable to spontaneous combustion - RSC.
Example. White and yellow phosphorus.
Category 4.3 - Substances that emit flammable gases in contact with water - RFW.
Example. Lithium.

RFS Flammable Solid

RSC Self-igniting substance

Substances emitting flammable gas in contact with water
Class 5 - Oxidizing agents and organic peroxides.
Category 5.1 - Oxidizing agents - ROX.
Category 5.2 - Organic peroxides - ROP.

ROX mark - Oxidizing agents

ROP Sign - Organic Peroxides
Class 6 - Toxic and infectious substances.
Category 6.1 Toxic Substances - RPB.
Example. Arsenic, nicotine, cyanides, pesticides.
Category 6.2 Infectious Substances - RIS.
Example. Bacteria, viruses, diagnostic samples.

RPB Badge - Toxic Substance

RIS mark - Infectious substance
Class 7 - Radioactive material.
Category I - White - RRW.
Category II - Yellow - RRY.
Category III - Yellow - RRY.
Example. Cobalt, iodine, cesium.
Fissile material.
Example. Plutonium 239, Uranium 233.
When transporting fissile material, in addition to the main label with a hazard label, the Fissile Material label must be used.
Important. Transportation of radioactive materials on U6 flights is temporarily not carried out!

RRW - Category I

RRY - Category II

RRY - Category III

Fissile material

Radioactive material (per container)
Class 8 - Corrosive substances.
Class 8 substances are substances that, by chemical exposure, cause serious damage to living tissue when it comes in contact with it or, in the event of leakage, physical damage to other goods or vehicles or even their destruction - RCM.
Example. Acid batteries, mercury, sulfuric acid.

RCM Sign - Corrosive
Class 9 - Other hazardous substances and products.
- Other dangerous goods - RMD.
- Solid Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice) - ICE.
- Magnetized material - any material whose magnetic field strength during packaging for air transportation is 0.159 A / m or more at a distance of 2.1 m from any point on the surface of the finished package - MAG.
- Foaming Resin - RSB.
Note. The Other Dangerous Goods sign must be used for other dangerous goods of Dry Ice and Polymer Resin. For magnetized material and Dry ice, see Signs in

RMD Mark - Other Dangerous Goods