Dangerous Goods Acceptance
Dangerous goods are divided into 3 categories:
Dangerous goods prohibited from carriage in an aircraft under any circumstances.
Any substance which, when provided for carriage, is capable of exploding, engaging in hazardous reactions, igniting, or emitting hazardous amounts of heat or toxic, corrosive, or flammable gases or vapors under the normal conditions arising during carriage, must not be transported by aircraft under what circumstances.
- Special dangerous goods forbidden for transportation on an aircraft without appropriate state exemption from the rules (state of departure, transit, transfer, destination).
- Dangerous goods permitted for carriage in an aircraft if they are carried in accordance with all the provisions of IATA DGR and other relevant regulations.
Dangerous goods provided for transportation in ULD
U6 do not transport dangerous goods on board the A319 / 320/321 using any kind of ULD.
Dangerous goods acceptance procedures
Dangerous cargo acceptance point
At the points of cargo reception, the operator (or his authorized agent) must ensure that a sufficient number of notifications containing information on the transport of dangerous goods and the current edition of the IATA DGR or ICAO Technical Instructions (DOC 9284) are displayed in a visible place.
The personnel of the operators (or their authorized agent) involved in the reception of goods must be adequately trained so that they can identify and detect dangerous goods presented as mixed cargo.

IATA Dangerous Goods Poster
Identification and classification of dangerous goods
The shipper is responsible for the accurate and complete information that must be indicated in the Shipper's Declaration of Dangerous Goods (hereinafter - the Declaration). The form of the Declaration is given in Appendix D1.1.
- The declaration must be drawn up and signed in duplicate by the shipper or his agent in accordance with the requirements of IATA DGR (1 copy is attached to the consignment note and follows to the destination);
- The shipper's declaration is drawn up in Russian. For international transport, unless otherwise specified by the country of destination, the declaration is made in English;
- If the information given in the declaration is subject to confirmation by the Certificates, Permits, Licenses and other documents attached to the declaration, then they must be prepared in Russian. For international transport, unless otherwise specified by the country of destination, compiled in English;
- A contact telephone number should be indicated in case of emergency, if required.
If these requirements are not met, the completed declaration is not accepted. A new declaration is required if:
- Corrections in the declaration are not signed by the shipper or his agent, according to the rules of IATA DRG (or signatures do not comply);
- If the proper shipping name is not in accordance with the requirements of IATA DGR;
- The declaration is not drawn up correctly or not enough.
Hazard labeling
Prior to handling and loading, the consignor or his authorized agent must have a visa on the dangerous goods declaration that the dangerous goods are properly prepared for shipment. Packages and documentation are also checked by the receiver in accordance with the IATA Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
All packages containing dangerous goods must be labeled and labeled in accordance with the IATA regulations for the transport of dangerous goods, so that at all stages of transportation they can be instantly identified:
- all packages containing dangerous goods must contain the corresponding name of the contents, as well as the name and address of the consignor and consignee;
- the shipper is responsible for labeling each package of a dangerous goods batch with a sticker indicating the appropriate class of dangerous goods;
- if necessary, information on handling this cargo should be given on all packages in the form of stickers or stamps, such as “ONLY FOR THE CARGO AIRCRAFT” and “TOP”.
All dangerous goods acceptance points must have a sufficient set of hazard and handling signs used on U6 flights.
Before transporting dangerous goods from a warehouse to an aircraft, authorized personnel should inspect and verify all hazard signs. Any discrepancies should be reported immediately to the receiver at the dangerous goods acceptance point. If it turns out that any cargo place with a dangerous cargo is in an improper condition, it should not be loaded on board the aircraft.
If the operator detects a loss, violation of fastening or mismatch of hazard labels for places with dangerous goods, he must replace them with appropriate hazard labels taking into account the information given in the document for the transport of dangerous goods.
Note. When replacing signs, the personnel of the authorized agent of the airline must take into account the information specified in the declaration. If you have any ambiguities regarding the contents, you should contact the shipper and re-stick the signs. A cargo without any marking or with insufficient marking should be considered as an incident with dangerous goods.
Additional signs for processing and storage

MAG - Magnetized Material

Placement of cargo

RCL - Cryogenic Fluid

Keep in a cool place

Lithium batteries

Hazardous to the environment
Note. The mark magnetized material must be placed on all packages and outer packaging containing magnetized material in accordance with this manual. Supplementary signs must be used in addition to the corresponding danger signs.
The “Cryogenic Liquid” mark must be placed on all packages, outer packaging containing cryogenic liquid in addition to the Rill mark and the Package Placement Mark. The sign “Keep in a cool place” must be placed on all packages, outer packages that must be placed away from direct sunlight and heat sources - Class 4.1 and 5.2 and special provision A20. The “Placement of the package” sign must be placed on all packages, external packaging containing liquids in accordance with this manual. The Dry Ice mark (or written information on the packaging) must be placed on all packages and overpacks containing dry ice in addition to the RMD Mark.
Hazard labeling
The authorized agent of the airline and the sender are responsible for the correct labeling of all packages, outer packaging and containers in accordance with the requirements of this Guide. The following procedure requires:
- Marking of each package, outer packaging or freight container;
- Full and exact name of the sender; full shipping name and UN number;
- UN code on marked containers;
- Other necessary labeling required by this manual.
Dangerous Goods Acceptance Checklist
When accepting dangerous goods, the Dangerous Goods Acceptance Checklist should be used (hereinafter - the Check List).
The Check List should be used to check packages, external packaging and cargo containers according to the requirements of IATA rules. Check Sheets must be updated in accordance with IATA requirements. Staff should use only updated IATA Check Sheets.
Only specially trained CHA / GHA personnel trained in category 6 in accordance with IATA requirements can accept hazardous cargo using Check Sheets. Authorized agents can use both Check Sheets provided by Ural Airlines and Check Sheets of any other form that complies with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (current version).
The checklist should contain information that identifies the person who checked during acceptance.
The personnel accepting the dangerous cargo has the right to accept it for transportation only after it is convinced that the cargo:
- Correctly marked;
- No damage or leakage.
The Liszt Check form is issued in 2 copies: the original is attached to the consignment note, a copy remains with the carrier.
If at least one question in the Check List contains the answer “NO”, the goods should not be accepted for transportation and the Check List should be kept for 3 months.
A check sheet for radioactive cargo should be used to accept radioactive cargo. The Check Sheet form is given in Appendix D1.2.
A check sheet for non-radioactive cargo should be used to accept non-radioactive cargo. The form of the Check Sheet is given in Appendix D1.3.
The Check Sheet for Dry Ice should be used when accepting Dry Ice (also packages where dry ice is used as a refrigerant) for transportation. The form of the Check Sheet is given in Appendix D1.4.
Document storage
All documents for dangerous goods must be stored at the airport of departure for at least 3 months after the flight with which these dangerous goods were transported:
- Original Shipper's Application for Dangerous Goods;
- Copy of Check List;
- Copy of invoice;
- All documents attached to transport documents;
- Written information to the aircraft commander (NOTOC).
In case of discrepancies / omissions / errors made by the consignor (in the labeling, packaging, documentation) identified during the passage of the dangerous goods acceptance control, the documentation recording the non-compliance data (exhaust gas acceptance checklist / Check List) should be stored at the airport of departure for at least 3 months, after correction of all inconsistencies and the implementation of the control acceptance of the exhaust gas.
Motorcycle and car adoption
Motorcycles, automobiles and engines are accepted according to IATA requirements.
Acceptance of lithium batteries and lithium-ion batteries.
On Ural Airlines flights, lithium batteries and lithium-ion batteries are assigned for transportation as ONN 3091 - Lithium batteries contained in equipment, ONN 3091 - Lithium batteries packed with equipment, UN 3481 - Ion lithium batteries contained in equipment, UN 3481 - Lithium-ion batteries packed with equipment in accordance with the IATA DGR list and rules and authorized for carriage in a passenger aircraft.
Dangerous goods in limited quantities
Dangerous goods in limited quantities and radioactive material in excepted packaging, as defined in IATA DGR, do not require the Shipper's Declaration, Check List, and are also not required to be entered in NOTOC and in the loading instructions. The following marks filled in according to IATA DGR requirements must be placed on these packages.
Goods prohibited for carriage by air under any circumstances
Goods prohibited for air transportation under any circumstances (especially dangerous) include products and substances that are specifically named in the exhaust gas list by indicating the name as prohibited for transportation by air in any circumstances (instead of the assigned number on the UN list), are not transported by air ships of any type.
Due to the inability to provide a complete list of such exhaust gases, they include substances or products with the following properties:
- Explosives that ignite or decompose under the influence of temperature 75Co within 48 hours;
- Explosives containing mixtures of chlorates with phosphorus;
- Solid explosives, which are classified as substances with extremely high sensitivity to mechanical shock;
- Explosives containing both chlorates and ammonium salts;
- Liquid explosives, which are classified as substances with moderate sensitivity to mechanical shock;
- Any substance or product proposed for carriage that is capable of generating a hazardous amount of heat or gas under normal conditions of carriage by air;
- Flammable solids and organic peroxides that are explosive and packaged in such a way that an explosion hazard label is used as an additional risk label.
Sign - dangerous goods in excepted quantities
Mark - Radioactive Material, Exempted Packaging (RRE)
Acceptance for transportation of especially dangerous cargo
Acceptance of especially dangerous cargo for transportation by aircraft specified in the Technical Instructions is carried out only after receipt by the operator of confirmation of readiness for sending by the consignor and acceptance by the consignee of especially dangerous cargo, as well as confirmation of readiness to receive and process especially dangerous cargo at all landing airports along the route flight of an aircraft.
Dangerous goods not accepted for carriage by aircraft
All dangerous goods for transport by aircraft are not accepted if:
- Dangerous goods are not accompanied by a shipper's declaration of dangerous goods, with the exception of the cases specified in the ICAO Technical Instructions that such a document is not required;
- Without checking the package, the outer packaging or the cargo container with dangerous goods in accordance with the procedure established in the ICAO Technical Instructions;
- Packaging kits are not protected and are not provided with gaskets that prevent damage to packaging kits, leakage of dangerous goods and provide control over its movement inside the outer packaging under normal conditions of transportation of dangerous goods by aircraft;
- Labeling, labels and packaging do not comply with the requirements of the Technical Instructions (Doc 9284 AN / 905 ICAO);
- Cargo spaces, overpacks and shipping containers are leaking and damaged.