Living conditions and care for animals during transportation
Obligations in relation to living conditions of live animals. When transporting live animals on U6 flights, the airline sets a goal - good living conditions. When defining U6 standards, it follows IATA recommendations and takes into account the features of each.
Feeding animals
The sender / operator (GHA) must respect the following animal requirements and needs:
- always have the Instructions for feeding / to comply with the requirements of the instructions (to drink the animal is more important than to feed him) any feeding of the animal should be recorded in the Instructions attached to the container;
- food designated by the sender must be attached to the container;
- in no case give the animal unidentified / unknown / unsuitable food - improper feeding can harm the animal;
- an animal with a high metabolism should be carefully fed and watered before loading on the aircraft;
- if the animal is on a diet, you should abandon the diet during transportation
Minimizing the effects of negative factors and stress
Stress throughout the course of transportation can cause the death of the animal or harm the state of his health.Therefore, the following actions should be avoided or minimized:
- container movement. Actions that may cause unnecessary anxiety of the animal;
- inappropriate ventilation (high CO2) or drafts;
- temperature fluctuations (overcooling / overheating) or high humidity.
On cool or hot / tropical days, category 4 animals with high sensitivity to temperature extremes and drafts, such as reptiles, exotic animals, and thick-skinned mammals, should be given special care and attention;
- improper lighting / darkness in the cargo compartment;
- engine noise
- deprivation of animal food / water for a long period;
- to prevent "incompatible animals" in one place (male and female in the mating season);
- the use of sedatives *.
The use of sedatives entails some risks and can only be used by a qualified veterinarian after approval by the sender. The use of sedatives must be reported to the operator (GHA) and the appropriate entries must be made in column HI on the air waybill and in the Feeding Instructions. If, after applying sedatives, the animal feels worse, transportation may be canceled.
When accepting cargo for carriage, consider the following:
- different climatic conditions (temperature / humidity) at the warehouse, at the airport of departure and arrival (high humidity adds a negative effect to high temperature);
- climatic conditions in the luggage compartment of the aircraft:
- climatic conditions at the time of loading;
- technical conditions of the aircraft;
- the type of cargo carried in the luggage compartment, the number, types and sizes of animals.
The optimum temperature for most animals is plus 20-24 degrees ° C. Reptiles need a fever plus 27-29 degrees ° C.
The following are recommendations on the type of animal regarding the desired temperature.
Animal species | Min temperature (° C) | * Max. temperature (° C) |
Cats | 7 | 24 |
Dogs | 10 | 27/19 |
Rabbits | 10 | 21 |
Guinea pigs | 7 | 27 |
Hamsters | 10 | 29th |
Mice | 13 | 32 |
Chickens | 0 | 21 |
Ducks / geese | 10 | 29th |
Turkeys | 5 | 19 |
One day chickens / 10 day old chickens | 14 (28) | 23 (37) / 29 |
Parrots | eighteen | 32 |
Reptiles | 21 | 35 |
** primates / ** young primates | 21/27 | 32/29 |
Chimpanzee | eighteen | 35 |
Feline family (jungle) | eighteen | 29th |
* The maximum residence time of animals at a maximum temperature of 2 hours (at a humidity of 50%). For reptiles - 38 ° C, most animals - 35 ° C, thick-skinned - 29 ° C.
** not humanoid primates only
In case of emergency at the airport of departure, flights U6 should have an Emergency Action Plan and it should include actions for working with live animals, describe in detail the state veterinary and hygiene requirements, as well as safety requirements, establishing procedures to eliminate possible consequences of incidents with live animals. Authorized airline agents must also establish and implement procedures for live animals in unsatisfactory condition.
Poor animal health
Transportation of an animal with poor health is prohibited and must be rescheduled until the animal recovers or begins to feel better.
If the situation allows, the responsible person U6 (GHA) together with the veterinarian should take the following measures:
- provide medical assistance to a wounded and / or sick animal and immediately isolate it in a separate container from other animals;
- remove the dead animal from the container and dispose of the body in accordance with the instructions; report death immediately to your local veterinary service
- artificially kill the animal (and dispose of it) if the animal is in very poor condition;
- Be sure to coordinate this issue with the local veterinary service and the sender.
Incidents with live animals
The following is considered an incident:
- death of the animal during transportation / processing, regardless of their number;
- an attack / bite of an animal on a person resulting in injuries;
- flight of the animal from the container during the flight, at the airport or in the warehouse.
In the event of an incident, the person with the necessary qualifications (GHA) should compile the Incident Report as soon as possible and submit it to the competent authorities.
Note. In any of the above situations, the GHA should contact the senders and ask for additional instructions, as well as notify all services regarding this incident.
Koltsovo Airport
Special instructions for caring for the animal, taking into account its behavior, and emergency procedures are described in the Emergency Plan in Chapter C 2.
Standards and procedures for loading animals
Agent Responsible Personnel (GHA) must adhere to the following loading principles:
- GHA must systematically disinfect aircraft cargo compartments and other equipment that was involved in the transport of live animals and came into contact with food, liquids and other animal waste;
- the animal can only be placed in a suitable cargo compartment; in a position that allows for quick loading and unloading, as well as at a sufficient distance from the door (when the cargo compartment doors are open) so that the temperature difference has the least effect on the animal;
- animals, with the exception of fish, should not be kept in closed ULD;
- if the animal is loaded onto the pallet together with other things, it must be loaded in such a way as to have the necessary ventilation and easy access (it is forbidden to cover with film / foil);
- reduce the time of transportation of the animal (load last / unload first); it is necessary to hasten unloading, carefully load the animal, avoiding additional actions (do not turn over, do not shake); in case of flight delay, the animal must be returned to the warehouse (it is advisable to water the animal);
- containers should always be transported with care and the side up indicated by the designation; only trained personnel can handle the transportation of animals; Do not disturb the animal, except in cases where it is associated with transportation;
- Do not expose the animal to direct weather conditions (direct sunlight, rain, snow, wind, severe frost) and noise; in winter and in adverse weather conditions, transport the animal from the warehouse to the aircraft and vice versa, in closed containers with the necessary ventilation, best in a car with climate control;
- regardless of the type of animal, the container should not be loaded on top or under the bottom of another cargo; personnel should check the condition of the container and not ship damaged;
- the necessary air access should always be provided;
- Do not block air access openings with cargo or ULD walls ;
- leave space between containers;
- if the cargo compartment of the aircraft is full of animals, the aircraft commander must turn on the air conditioner during loading, unloading and transit stops, and also make sure that all hatches in the cargo compartments are open;
- the aircraft commander must set the temperature of the air conditioner in accordance with the requirements specified in the SI column in NOTOC;
- download instructions should be available for viewing; all containers must be tied and fixed; the rest of the load must be secured so as not to stagger / fall / damage the container with the animal;
- live animals should not be loaded under the ventilation outlet or lamp; animals that are sensitive to cold (chickens, eggs) should be loaded only on pallets or other supports;
- on transit flights, containers with animals requiring special attention should be easily accessible;
- gloomy lighting is necessary when transporting live animals, especially birds (it is desirable to transport wild animals in the dark); the aircraft commander, in accordance with the SI column in NOTOC, must turn on / off the light in the cargo compartment;
- containers containing live animals related to the “wet cargo” should be properly packed;
- sick / dead animals should be separated from healthy animals as quickly as possible.
Placement of "incompatible" animals
The following packages should be physically separated during storage and transportation - should not be next to each other:
- animals are natural enemies (should not see each other);
- adult males and females (during estrus);
- laboratory animals and other animals;
- animals and food (if there is no sealed packaging);
- animals and a large number of fruits and vegetables;
- animals and dangerous goods described in Chapter D;
- a tribal egg and the dangerous goods described in Chapter D;
- animals and human remains.
Special categories of live animals
Tribal eggs
A lay egg is a special category of live animals. When transporting eggs, all documents and messages should use the HEG code / designation. The optimum temperature during transportation is 10-15C (18-20), and the maximum allowable temperature is 27C. Careful handling and compliance with all temperature requirements are the main conditions when working with a breeding egg.
The veterinary service classifies the breeding egg as a living animal, not animal products.
Attention. If a breeding egg is transported together with a large number of birds, this can cause blockage of the egg pores and their deterioration.
Poultry and chickens (one-day chickens, ducklings, turkey poults, etc.) are a load that requires special care. The optimum temperature for poultry chickens is 15-20C (18-22) (more than 10 days from the date of birth 10-27C). Personnel involved in the preparation of NOTOC require a temperature of 18C.
When transporting chickens, poultry should take into account the need for constant ventilation. When transporting more than one container, separators between containers are required. The containers should be strong, not bent / bent and prevent movement when stacked on top of each other.
The minimum distance between the ceiling and the container must be at least 40 cm. No more than 4 (6) containers can stand on top of each other, the distance between them must be at least 5 cm, and the distance between the containers and other baggage - 10 cm. Place containers on top of each other is allowed only on the horizontal part of the floor.
Attention The aircraft commander must turn on the air conditioner before departure, as soon as the loading of containers on board the aircraft begins (in agreement with the sender, transportation can be performed without temperature, only ventilation mode). At temperatures below 0 and above 35C, chickens die within 15 minutes.
Container Examples
If a different type of container is used than those shown in the figures, the maximum permitted amount is reduced to 75%.

Container 1 - size: 63x47x18 cm

Container 2 - size: 47x24x13 cm
Use of ventilation spaces between containers (top view).
Laboratory animals
Laboratory animals (rodents and rabbits) are animals that are transported for research or testing purposes. Such animals are divided into three categories:
- Ordinary laboratory animals - animals in which, the absence or presence of microorganisms or parasites is unknown, until the moment of proper testing, treatment or vaccination;
- Wild animals or indigenous animals kept under uncontrolled microbiological conditions;
- Specific laboratory animals (hereinafter SPF animals) are animals that do not have one or more microorganisms or parasites on them; They are also divided into subgroups:
- conditional SPF animals — animals that were tested were treated and / or vaccinated — usually such animals are transported in airtight containers (not humanoid primates, cats, dogs).
- laboratory-raised animals - animals that were raised under sterile conditions. Transported only in special SPF containers with air filters, in accordance with the Rules.
Note Animals with infectious diseases always pose a danger to other animals and people. In all cases, the IATA Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods must be followed. Each piece of cargo that matches the descriptions above should be labeled Laboratory Animals instead of Live Animals.
SPF requirements for animals:
- be sure to avoid contact of the SPF animals with the environment and the formation of inappropriate microbiological conditions (check animals through special openings);
- opening the container can be absolutely only in special laboratory conditions by a qualified veterinarian;
- the sender must prepare the conditions for feeding and watering the animal in the container for 24 hours;
- Clinically ill or mentally unbalanced animals are generally not accepted for transportation;
- animals (especially genetically / surgically modified) are hypersensitive and prone to suffering, stress and other negative factors during transport.
Note If the packaging / filters are opened or damaged, the shipping will be canceled for safety reasons.