Acceptance of live animals
Important. If the sender does not agree on all requirements for sending live animals, U6 will be forced to refuse transportation. This can also happen if the sender does not approve the size of the animal.
By order of the Director General of the Airline, a responsible person is appointed to the SOPGP for the organization and transportation of live animals.
The airline applies the following restrictions (more stringent than those described in the LAR Guide) when transporting live animals.
Note. When transporting animals on U6 flights, all government restrictions published on the IATA LAR must be respected. AK does not transport live animals on the domestic flights and on international flights, except for the transport of daily chickens, breeding eggs and live animals, which are transported between legal entities (zoos).
The Airline does not accept the following animals for transportation to aircraft A 319/320/321 as cargo:
- live animals transported by cash on delivery;
- pregnant females of any kind of animals;
- females of any species of animals that gave birth within 48 hours before departure;
- any sick or injured animals.
Animals may only be transported in special clean containers.
Shipper License and Veterinary Documents
Transportation of live animals for commercial purposes is accepted only from licensed senders (their agents) in accordance with local legislation (if necessary). Agents accredited by IATA are desirable for all types of dispatch of live animals.
The sender’s license for the transport of live animals must be attached to the air waybill and accompany the cargo along the entire route. Any corrections / additions or deletions in the Animal Passport / Certificate make this document invalid. In this case, a new document must be obtained from a licensed veterinarian.
Certificates and Approvals CITES
Consignors (exporters and importers) endangering animals of wild flora and fauna must follow the current CITES rules and, before uploading to U6 aircraft, confirm the safety of their actions with the CITES Certificate obtained at the CITES branch in this country (countries). The certificate is given in Appendix C6.1.
Note This also applies to pets that are the property of the accompanying person and are not a commercial cargo.
Container requirements
The sender must follow the basic requirements prescribed in the Rules (safety, form, design).
Necessary rigidity and safety of the container:
- an undamaged container made of non-toxic materials;
- a container that prevents unauthorized access, accidentally protruding the animal (serviceability of doors, fencing and ventilation);
- a container that can withstand the activity of the animal, such as biting, scratching and other damage associated with transportation;
- a container that prevents injuring the animal inside the container (lack of needles and sharp ends) and people who handle and transport this container, especially in the case of dangerous animals;
- containers with no leaking bottom.
Ventilation and containment conditions:
- the container should be equipped with appropriate openings that allow air to circulate, even if some of the openings were forced by another load;
- a container with three sides, on which there are ventilation holes, there should also be a place on the container for labeling the container;
- a container equipped with a place where the animal can lie (straw and hay are prohibited);
- a container equipped with appropriate containers for food and water, and instructions for feeding;
- a container that allows the animal to stand up, turn around and lie down in a position comfortable for it (there should be a pole for birds);
- clean container. If it was used before - thoroughly disinfected.
Note. The container must be equipped with handles or holders.
Labeling and labeling of the container
According to the Rules, each container must be accordingly and clearly marked, marked and contain the following information:
- Name, address and telephone number of the sender and recipient (the telephone number is indicated for emergency cases);
- the scientific and generally accepted name of the animal and the number of animals in each container;
- containers with poisonous animals (which may bite or injure) should be well visible, marked with the inscription "POISONOUS"; aggressive animals or birds that could injure themselves through the ventilation holes or rods of the cage should be marked with the symbol “THIS ANIMAL BITES”.
Each container should be labeled accordingly. The designation may be affixed to the vent. If the container is small, the designation should not block the openings.
The label with the instructions for feeding should contain:
- Name, address and telephone number of the sender and recipient;
- date / time of the last feeding and schedule of subsequent feeding 24 hours in advance;
- special requirements;
- name of sedative, dose, method time and weight of the animal;
- date, time and signature of the sender.
Instead of the sticker below, you can use similar markings containing the same information:
- Sign with information on feeding;
- Live animals sign - with writing the generally accepted name of the animal, their number in the container and marking the desired pictogram;
- Placement of the package - on two opposite sides;
- The laboratory animals sign is for laboratory animals instead of Live Animals.
Sign Live Animals
Sign Laboratory Animals
Placement of cargo

The responsible person at the reception should always have the signs above for flights U6.
Acceptance of animals for carriage
- The checklist of live animals (Check List) should be used for preliminary verification of the animal and the documents necessary for transportation, before loading on board. The Check List is used as a tool to verify compliance with the requirements of the Rules. A sample Check Sheet is given in Appendix C6.2.
- Check Sheets must be updated in accordance with IATA requirements. Personnel should use only updated IATA Check Sheets published in the Rules if U6 Check Sheets are missing or inaccessible. Authorized agents can use both Check Sheets provided by Ural Airlines and Check Sheets of any other form that meets the requirements of the IATA Live Animal Regulations (current version).
- Only specially trained CHA / GHA personnel with specialized knowledge can accept cargo using Check Sheets. The Liszt Check form is issued in 2 copies: the original is attached to the consignment note, a copy remains with the carrier.
- If at least one question in the Check List answers “NO”, the goods should not be accepted for transportation.
Inspections by responsible personnel during cargo handling
Visual checks of the animal and container should be carried out if this does not bother the animal.
It is allowed to disturb the animal in the following cases:
- at the time of the necessary verification of the animal by the responsible person;
- upon export at the time of unloading the animal from the warehouse by the warehouse operator;
- at the time of processing the transfer cargo by the warehouse operator.
Note. Veterinary control is carried out for identification verification (compliance of the animal with the attached documents), verification of the condition of the animal and verification of compliance with the veterinary laws of the respective countries. The veterinarian must also provide the necessary treatment of animals if necessary, deciding on the use of sedatives, or killing, if necessary.
Record storage
All documents for live animals must be stored at the airport of departure for at least 3 months, after the flight on which these goods were transported:
- Original Certificate;
- Copy of Check List;
- Copy of invoice;
- All documents attached to transport documents;
- Copy of feeding instructions;
- Report on the incident (within 2 years - if applicable).
Transport documents
Carriage of live animals on U6 flights must also comply with the general transport requirements set forth in this Guide.
- Air waybill
- In the column “Description of the load” - the generally accepted name of the animal and AVI code; number of individuals and number of places;
- In the column “Additional Information” - emergency telephone number, description of sedative.
- Sender certificate for live animals (Certificate). A sample Certificate is given in Appendix C6.3.
- The certificate must be in duplicate, filled out and signed by the sender or his agent in accordance with the Rules (1 original accompanies the goods to the destination - attached to the air waybill); An IATA agent, consolidator, or forwarder agent may not be a sender agent .
Only English is used. The text in English may be accompanied by an accurate translation in another language.
The sender must describe in detail the animal and determine the requirements for the container; the scientific name may not be used for cats, dogs and animals that are not subject to CITES.
- Valid passport or Animal Health Certificate.
- Permission to export, import or transit.
- Permission CITES.
- The original instructions for feeding the animal should be placed in a container, and a copy attached to the air waybill.
Note. In the Character box of the cargo on one waybill when transporting a live animal, only Live animals can be indicated. Request for transportation - see Chapter 4 Part B; NOTOC - Chapter 1 Part C.
Koltsovo Airport
- Help in the district veterinary clinic about vaccinations, the absence of worms and skin diseases - 3 days before departure.
- In the club of dog breeders - “Information on the lack of breeding value” (if not a member of the club, then contact the SODOLS club (Lenina 5).
- Passing certificate from the city service of veterinary supervision. Form No.
- Agricultural Management. Regional veterinary service. St. R. Luxembourg, 60 K. 422.
- Airport "Koltsovo". Vetkontrol. Consultations by phone. (343) 226-88-96.
The certificate issued by the veterinary control is valid for 5 days.
Note. Failure to comply with the above requirements leads to the refusal of transportation and the completion of new documents.
Appendix C6.1
CITES certificate (sample)
Appendix C6.2
Live animals intake sheet
Appendix C6.3
Shipper certificate for live animals (sample)
Shipper certificate for live animals (reverse)